“Almost two years after that fateful day … Donald Trump and his allies and supporters are a clear and present danger to American democracy.” Judge J. Michael Luttig, June 16, 2022, referring…
Why I won’t hear the ‘truth’ of MAGA
I am asked on occasion, in the context of being a Trump “hating” liberal Democrat socialist RINO, why I’m not open to at least considering the truths espoused by today’s “conservative” Republicans,…
I say this to my Republican colleagues … your dishonor will remain
Everyone, not just never Trumpers, Democrats, liberals and RINOs, should be watching and paying close attention to the House Select Committee’s public hearings on its January 6 investigation findings. It’s an unprecedented…
What a difference a few years make
What a difference a few hundred years makes. When on December 15, 1791, the words “A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the…
Remembering the children who died that our rights be uninfringed
A man, no matter his color, creed, race or religion, who thinks of himself so highly that he can lose sight of the fact that we all love our children equally is…
No redoubt will long stand for those who would not share the blessings of liberty
This country’s founders were consummate writers, who, with great deliberation and care, drafted for us a constitution establishing the basic form and principals of our government using very much that same language…
I got my knee on his neck, Ma! Take a pitcher!
“Critical race theory, an ugly ideology that divides people based on race, has crept into Idaho’s public school classrooms right under our noses. You’re ready to fight back, but you need the…
The awful price of lies
If the statistics of late hold, by this time next week, the United States will have lost one-million people to COVID-19, a number far disproportionate to the rest of the world, where…
Instead of fighting, let’s keep the puddle wet
I’m not the sharpest cookie in the knife drawer, but I simply do not understand the brouhaha over abortion “rights.” It just doesn’t seem to me a legitimate topic of national discourse…
Idiots don’t run the show
On Thursday, Idaho House District 1 Representative Heather Scott held an event in a church in Kootenai, live streamed for those who couldn’t attend, announced in an email with the subject line,…
Two wings on the same bird
Those of the far right failed in insurrection yet have with great success subverted the grand old Republican Party to the point it is not recognizable anymore, and nigh bereft of the…
There’s but one chance, and the time is now
A definition of the word stupidity is “behavior that shows a lack of good sense or judgment.” Too many who do possess good sense have tolerated abject stupidity in our politics and…
May 17 will matter like no other day — vote!
We live in interesting times, times in which the word “liberty” means the exact opposite of the definition given in the dictionary, in which “patriots” are the very people our forefathers fought…
Big lies threaten last best hope of Earth
Two lies writ large in the Trump era are causing horrific damage to the democratic process established by the U.S. Constitution, and those lies, perhaps the most egregious ever put forth and…
Is we is or is we ain’t?
Former president and now proclaimed 2024 presidential candidate Donald J. Trump continues to proclaim his strong advocacy for the rule of law, a stance long a cornerstone of the GOP ethos. But…
I’m curious, what do you not like about MAGA?
Oh goodness … where to begin? In my view, MAGA is a cult of personality formed around a man who has no scruples and whose only concern is himself, one who, despite…
Though it’s an off-year election, every vote November 2 is critical
Many voters don’t see the election just ahead as important; they instead look to the midterms of 2022 or the presidential election of 2024. Those thinking that way are making a big…