A man, no matter his color, creed, race or religion, who thinks of himself so highly that he can lose sight of the fact that we all love our children equally is a man lost. The man who would betray an innocent’s trust and take from a child, his or another’s, their innocence, is a creature reprehensible.
The man who would sate himself rather than defend and protect a weaker from such ravage is not a man, but a monster. And with every generation we allow such men to sate themselves at the expense of the defenseless, the weaker we all become.
When the religion or body politic lauds the abusers at the expense of the abused, the result is not civilization, but barbarism.
Perhaps we should treat those killed in domestic shootings as we do our fallen soldiers?
Flags half staff and a miles-long procession for this third grader, this churchgoer, this grocery shopper … each of whom laid down their life that we might retain our constitutional right to keep and bear arms uninfringed. “This six-year-old lay down her life that we might keep our liberty.”
We’ll place a flag on her and her dead friend’s graves each Memorial Day … you know, that we may remember.