We human beans what are U.S. citizens are funny critters. We know a train wreck is imminent yet we try to convince ourselves the train’s moving fast just to get back on…
Author: Mike Weland
When America was great … Happy Thanksgiving
Before November 5, I often said that the 2024 election would be the most consequential since the election of 1860. The American people have spoken, and by our choice, we are once…
The people have spoken
“The people have spoken.” Yes, they have, and much the same as they did for Hitler and the Third Reich in the 1930s. And now, ten years of following Hitler’s playbook has…
Opposing opinions
On the day before the momentous 2024 general election, Idaho Republican Dorothy Moon waxes poetic about how beautiful the world will be with Donald Trump once again at the helm of our…
Why I voted for Harris, Proposition 1
The role of a political party is to help like-minded citizens more effectively present their ideas and ideals for the betterment of a nation’s government, provided, of course, that the nation affords…
See them for what they are … fascists
Oh, how I’d love to see a return to the halcyon days of American politics when most who sought or held office of public trust recognized that the word “public” was all…
Proving lies and irresponsibility
My last opinion piece, “Make America Great Again? No, let’s make her ever more perfect,” in which I call former president Donald J. Trump a liar, elicited a greater Facebook response than…
Make America Great Again? No, let’s make her ever more perfect
Most people I know will not long tolerate a liar, yet there are millions today who rally to protect and defend the greatest and most brazen liar of our time. It’s not…
Trump a savior or a sap? Two opinions
Heaven help us if too many like you Wow, what a rambling opinion of a man I for one of many consider a savior of our country from the communist left, who…
Sorry Donald, JD, now is not the time for media to back off
I am a proud never-Trumper who’s spent the past decade shouting warning that our 45th president was and is a menace, a clear and present danger to our nation and her constitution,…
Harris shows Trump for what he is
That there could be people who, having purportedly watched the same ABC presidential debate broadcast last night as I did, still abide the delusion that Donald John Trump is or ever was…
Freedom Caucus Senator wrecks Prop 1, Weland responds ‘nu uh’
This Will WRECK Idaho Prop1 is THAT bad. Here’s why .. By Idaho Senator and Freedom Caucus Member Brian Lenney Nampa Idaho is under attack by out-of-state, progressive elites who want to…
With 85 days left, complacency is not an option
It is heartening to see the positive energy generated by the ascension of Kamala Harris to presidential candidate among those who recognize the very real threat of Donald Trump, MAGA and Project…
Forsaking freedoms for snake oil
The right-wing rhetoric has ramped up since Kamala Harris took the baton from Joe Biden to make the final sprint to the finish line, not just the champion of Democrats but of…
Why is the left so against MAGA?
“Why is the left so against MAGA? It literally means ‘make America great again,’” a reader wrote recently. “What American doesn’t want that?” A fair question deserving a full and reasoned answer….
Trump remains Trump, as delusional as ever
I go on record to thank Joe Biden for his service to our nation and for all he accomplished in spite of being saddled with such a graceless and vituperative predecessor as…
Assertion and rebuttal over obsession with Trump
Eric Lindenbusch Bonners Ferry Mike, I think I’m beginning to understand another reason why Donald Trump has been so successful in the real estate business. You and others have allowed him to…
Sympathy can’t overcome responsibility
It’s been a long time, but people of my generation remember when assassination seemed a normal part of our political discourse. It wasn’t, never is. But man oh dear … John F,…
The demise of the GOP; brought down by Chicken Little
This piece was published before I learned of today’s assassination attempt. I am thankful Donald Trump is safe and okay in the wake of the shooting incident in Butler, Pennsylvania, and hope…
Independence Day: May it not be our last
“Today, there is no lower court in the United States of America than its highest court,” I wrote Monday after the abhorrent decision by the U.S. Supreme Court on presidential immunity from…