We’re seeing at present a psychotic presidency that has already, in just over a month, wrought considerable harm to the fabric of our nation, which will only worsen over time. We are seeing, too, a national psychosis only hinted at since Donald Trump stepped off his golden escalator 10 years ago and told the nation his first lie.
And lo! With a certain demographic, those lies resonated.
“Hillary, deleting emails should be in prison, Obama should be in prison,” a MAGA super fan wrote recently. “Joe Biden damn sure needs to be in prison. Good news for you Mikey. The Don is going to be your daddy for 4 years. You will be seeing his smiling face even in your sleep. So suck it up butter cup.”
“Be careful what you wish for,” I replied.
“Mike Weland. I have been scared for 4 years that some rainbow purple haired sap, would convince that brain dead Biden pile of 💩 to push the big red button. I am tired of supporting illegal @$$ wipes with my social security money. I’m tired of supporting gay agendas. In Africa I’m tired of goddamn democrats in general. I was a blue blood democrap for 40 years. They left me I didn’t leave them. Tired of having gay 💩 and men in women’s restrooms. Men beating up women in all sports. So Mike I wished for that 💩 to end and by God it has.”
No, sir, it hasn’t. What you’ve been scared of has been going on since the dawn of man. Got news for you — Trump is all talk, no do. World class liar. Remember he was going to cure cancer? Bring down the price of groceries the first day? You’re putting your faith on a slim reed, and you’ll be thrown under the bus right along with everyone else who believes him.
“Mike Weland. Men in women’s sports, men in women’s rest rooms has not been happening since the dawn of time 8 years ago if I was waiting for my wife or daughter to use the rest room and a man started to walk in I would be in jail for murder You liberal jack@$$3$ made that an ok thing.not any more TRUMP has put a stop to liberal @$$ woke 💩. Before you go to sleep tonite Mike, look for TRUMPS face, it will be there. It will be ok. The sky’s not falling yet, and if it does I’m good to go, hope you are.”
And by golly, he is absolutely right. None of the things he’s so worried about were much of a problem before the dawn of Trump except in the minds of the disaffected ensconced beneath the lunatic fringe that are now the core constituents of MAGA, who firmly believe in the boogeymen monsters Trump concocted to ratchet up their unfounded fears to fever pitch.
The Chicken Little squawking of our illustrious 47th president, echoed endlessly by his dedicated propagandists, is believed implicitly by the cult of those complacent not to have to think for themselves.
And so we have a presidential administration with no tools other than wrecking balls and sledgehammers busily reshaping our government without thought, without planning, without concern for anything except his own interests. In five short weeks, Trump and his band of angry baboons have inflicted hurt on more citizens and inflicted more damage to the pillars of government and its constitution than any administration in the history of our nation, breaking more laws in a month than all other administrations in the 236 years since George Washington assumed office in 1789.
And where are his equals — the judicial? the legislative?
Cowering in fear under the stern gaze of MAGA, violating their oaths of office and abetting a lawless regime in the destruction of the last best hope of Earth — our government of the people, by the people, for the people.
As citizens of Idaho, we count on those we elect to represent us in our nation’s capitol — yet they have declared fealty to Trump rather than commitment to what the constitution requires, lest they lose privilege. There is no greater weakness.
We can no longer depend on the judiciary — its highest court in July capitulated to a tyrant, declaring one citizen, our president, exempt from the law. We can no longer trust those of our legislators who stand for a man rather than an ideal.
If honestly committed to the rule of law, those aspiring to high office ought hold themselves to higher standards of compliance with our laws rather than seek refuge from them.
I remember a time when we as a nation looked up to and admired those who put service above self. When a rich kid who pled bone spurs rather than serve would have been seen as weak, when such a man who belittled as losers men who sacrificed themselves for others would have been regarded as beneath contempt.
As he razes the checks and balances designed to protect us from those who would be king, Trump quotes Napoleon; “He who saves his country does not violate any law.”
Quite right, Mr. President. Just ask Benito Mussolini.