U.S. Senator Mike Crapo (R-Idaho) has gone off the deep end, from one-time true Idaho conservative to full-blown Trump sycophant. He issued the following statement after the Senate confirmed, by a vote of 54-46, Pam Bondi to be the United States Attorney General at the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ):
“Under the previous Administration, the DOJ weaponized the justice system against the Left’s perceived political enemies. Notably, it targeted pro-life individuals and President Donald Trump in frivolous, politically-motivated lawsuits. Pam Bondi has promised to return our federal law enforcement to its rightful job of prosecuting crimes and carrying out justice without regard to political identity. She will restore order to an agency facing significant bureaucratic backlogs and she will uphold the rule of law. I congratulate Attorney General Bondi on her confirmation.”
Come now, Senator, surely you know better. Twice impeached, you voted both times to acquit Trump, not because he wasn’t guilty, but on flimsy legal technicalities. The evidence against him was overwhelming, according to some of your colleagues, but a courtroom was the proper venue. And you defended when his cases went to the courts as well.
Weaponized against him … What a load of steaming horse apples. No one in the history of American jurisprudence has been so guilty yet evaded justice so well as Donald John Trump, now held to be above criminal prosecution, the first U.S citizen to be declared above the law.
It’s funny you can blame the left while overlooking Trump’s “retribution.” Gutting the DOJ, going after FBI agents for doing their job, seeking protection from state prosecution after he’s already been indicted on egregious charges that if true pose a clear and present danger to the nation he’s supposed to be leading, a man tried and convicted of 34-felonies associated with his scamming of the American people for the purpose of being elected.
That’s not weaponization, Senator, that’s due diligence and upholding your oath of office. I do believe you’ve placed your right hand on a few Bibles and swore that oath your own self quite a few times in your long and lackluster political career. What’s it been, just over 40 years now? When was it they changed the oath?
As I recall from the times I’ve taken it, it starts out, “I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States,” when did they switch U.S. Constitution to Donald John Trump?
To say aloud that Pam Bondi is going to “return our federal law enforcement to its rightful job of prosecuting crimes and carrying out justice without regard to political identity” puts you at serious risk of being hit by a bolt of lightning bolt out of a clear blue sky. Her career choices belie that notion.
She is going to remain loyal to Trump, and just like Kash Patel, turn a mostly non-partisan essential government agency into a useful tool in Trump’s arsenal of vengeance.
As a nominee, she’s stood by as president Trump fired a number of DOJ attorneys for the sole reason of their doing their job against him. Like her counterparts nominated by the Lyin’ King, they have been selected for their loyalty not to the American people, not to the constitution, not to the duties and responsibilities of offices they’ve been given. The criteria to qualify for a spot in Trump’s administration is to do Trump’s bidding without pause or question, without concern about legality, ethics or cost, without remorse.
Nothing turns quicker than Trump turning on a hapless sycophant experiencing remorse at standing up for Trump when they well know they’ve hurt people or broken the law.
The U.S. Congress is set out, along with the judicial branch, as coequal with the executive, each branch with duties and responsibilities as necessary to assure that no single branch become too powerful, too ambitious.
The Founding Fathers foresaw Donald Trump and emplaced a mechanism to thwart him.
It used to be that each party looked after its own, looking not only to duty, but to their own reputation, upheld its own integrity, not only for the good of the party, but for the good of the American people.
But now, Trump is the Republican Party.
It used to be that where parties failed to rein in those of the executive who got too frisky, Congress or the judiciary would step in, but both let a weak and petty narcissist emasculate them.
History will not look favorably on Trump, nor on those who empowered him. Those such as you, Senator.