Today, there is no lower court in the United States of America than its highest court. The U.S. Supreme Court of Donald J. Trump has upended the rule of law, negated the…
Better to beat Trump at the polls than open the cookie jar for him again
It is time to end this national delusion built on lies called MAGA, to burst the bubble of the multitudes who still believe that Donald Trump offers anything that will in any…
Is we is or is we ain’t?
Former president and now proclaimed 2024 presidential candidate Donald J. Trump continues to proclaim his strong advocacy for the rule of law, a stance long a cornerstone of the GOP ethos. But…
Radical right looking the wrong way in laying blame
Despite what those of the righteous far right proclaim, the most egregious offenders of grooming and abuse aren’t the marginalized so easily blamed, but the upright stalwarts we tend to hold in…
More than the vote count will be decided Tuesday
All candidates have the right to challenge the results and request a recount, especially in close races. That goes without saying. But I suspect the reaction to this mid-term election will be…
We’re running out of room and time
“Your gross generalizations, pot stirring and slanderous comments are no different than what you are supposedly taking a stance against. And, at least one group above shouldn’t be included with the others…
Dogs ought not visit Herndon, people ought not vote for him
I don’t know how old I was, three? Four? It was at edge of my first memories, having screamed in an airplane for the first time. Transitioning from the gentle acceleration of…
Far right is wrong
There is considerable argument these days as to what this grand experiment in the governance of our nation, these United States of America, is. Is it a democracy? A republic? A Democratic…
A challenge to which we must rise
“Any chance of slowing down on the Trump stuff for a while?” a dear Republican friend wrote me the other day. “Just a suggestion, but we need to get local issues taken…
We are entitled to our opinions, but not our facts
“I have noticed the ‘write in Tim Bertling’ signs all over the county,” a Boundary County Republican Central Committeeman wrote today on the Boundary County Politics Facebook page. “One thing that I…
Time for all who cherish equal rights to take the tiller
NOTE: As a result of ongoing controversy, Boundary County Library Director Kimber Glidden, after just nine months in the job, tendered her resignation. Her last day was yesterday, but it wasn’t only…
Beware false neighbors, they aren’t civilized
In my years covering news in Boundary County, one thing I’ve learned is that all who land here and want to be accepted as neighbors are. We can bicker, we can argue,…
In this trying time, we must all take action
We live in interesting times, and they are going to get far more interesting, as MAGA Republican leaders, still led by former president Donald Trump and their “conservative” propaganda press continue to…
Ban the books, sound the shofar
This crowd that now attends each Boundary County library board meeting to assert its holy righteousness and call down the wrath of heaven upon the sinners and infidels who don’t quite share…
We must rally to save Trump’s helpless gullible
Photo by Seth Wenig/The Associated Press In legal proceedings and congressional hearings, Donald J. Trump’s big lie is clearly starting to unravel, but believers of the lie are clearly not hearing the…
Unnecessarily difficult times lie ahead
Thanks to my opinion pieces of late, I have been identified by local “true conservatives,” many of whom were friends before 2016, as a born again left wing socialist liberal commie pedophile….
We the people are owed the truth
Photo copywrite Getty Images “Whatever your politics, whatever you think about the outcome of the election, we as Americans must all agree on this. Donald Trump’s conduct on January 6 was a…
Library board recall an inept and shameless ploy
“Our Mission is to protect children from explicit materials and grooming,” say those seeking the recall of four of five members of the Boundary County Free Library Board, sparing the only member…
We let them get away with it
Before 2016, I would never have imagined seeing so many people in our communities, our region, clinging so firmly to such clear lies and false assertions as the Make America Great Again…
Only fools believe
A fool is defined as a person who acts unwisely or imprudently, and a good way to identify a fool is to prove that he or she denies the existence or validity…