For ten years, I’ve written strident diatribes about Donald Trump and his overt attack on this nation’s constitution. Since he announced his second bid for president, I predicted that, if elected, we would at last see the true Donald Trump as he sets out to kick out the foundations of our society.
I wasn’t wrong. I also predicted that many Republicans and those of MAGA would be appalled by what they saw and begin jumping ship. I fear I may have been wrong on that one, even though it is still early. One thing you can’t deny — we are witnessing first hand the making of history most ignoble as our nation becomes what our greatest generation bled and died to spare us. And worse, we are doing it to ourselves, a slight majority of us feeling put upon because there are fewer fellow citizens who will tolerate being put upon by whiny, self-centered victims denied the privilege they’ve long mistaken for birthright.
And then we have the righteous of God, the white Christian nationalists whose credo seems to be “my God can beat up your God with one hand tied behind his back while eating an apple, so my God’s better than your fake God.” And then they whine of being persecuted even while trying to have their God exalted and made high God of both the heavens and the United States of America, land of the free, home of the brave provided they are genuine washed in the blood Christian conservatives. But Mr. President, we are as Christians being mercilessly and without surcease persecuted, suffering the most awful and horrendous of tribulations inflicted by those whom we once enjoyed persecuting and you have to he’p us! And now we have a federal faith office and a task force dedicated to rooting all who would diss, make fun of or in any way hurt the feelings of the rich televangelists.
Led by a traitorous, criminal president with visions of grandeur, it’s not freedom these people pursue, not anything noble or virtuous. Quite the opposite.
I have yet to get a cogent or logical response from any MAGA-minded individual as to what they see arising from the trash heap their leaders are creating, I ask them to explain the senseless gibberish of the commander in chief and his confederacy of misfits. I have long been disappointed.
I have long held that logic and common sense would bring us away from the abyss, but I fear we are at the cusp of another of those baffling times when stupidity reins supreme, when thought is looked down upon. One question I’m sneeringly asked quite often is some variant of “Do you think we’re stupid?”
I’ll let you decide by some of the comments I receive. As they never reference any of the comments I’ve made, there’s no need to reference which article they’re responding to:
“Mike Weland. Mikey, Mikey, Mikey you poor ignorant fool. Someone is finally trying to help the working people of AMERICA. but you and the rest of the liberal jackwagons are to eat up with the syndrome that you can’t see beyond your scratched up brain froze glasses. You sir are a COMPLETE fool. I don’t usually bestow that honor to many folks but to you. Yep COMPLETE”
— Can you specify who it is you’re saying is finally trying to help the working people of AMERICA? Can you tell us what he’s done? Fact is, he’s helped the rich and the corporations by hurting working Americans. Rating: Stupid gullible fool
“Elon and PRESIDENT TRUMP knows they have my support, and a majority, of the rest of AMERICA. They also know there a few ignorant jerks, in boundary county, that no matter what they do, you dumb@@$3$ will find fault with it. Another funny(not funny) thing you guys are pissed they finding so much money that is being wasted on gay woke rainbow liberal crap. How can you not see that?”
— Because it’s not true. Fact is, Trump, after two years of campaigning, barely beat Kamala Harris, who jumped in with only three months to campaign. But let’s look at numbers. In 2024, Trump garnered 77.3-million votes, Harris came in with 75-million. Your contention is Trump and Elon have the support of a majority of Americans.
I’m a frayed knot.
The 2023 U.S. population was about 335-million. Half would be 167.5, more than two times Trump’s 2024 total. Even counting U,S, citizens 18 and older doesn’t help — there are 131-million of them. As to the gay woke rainbow liberal crap, the Epoch Times found that from 2020 to 2023, $4.1-billion in federal money went to LGBT initiatives world-wide. That’s about $1.36-billion a year, about 0.22% of the $6.16-trillion annual U.S. budget. The U.S. federal government uses about 2.5-billion pencils a year. At about $5 a dozen, that’s about $1.04-billion of your tax dollars getting broken and chewed and occasionally written with each year.
And I’ll tell you something. That gay woke rainbow liberal crap is used for American citizens long denied services a lot of good white conservative Christians have relied on for ages; food stamps come to mind, those penicillin shots down at the community clinic when it hurts to tinkle. Rating: Statistically stupid.
“Entertaining read, i love the parts where, anybody who believes differently than you are, dumb re’necks, when people are just tired of nearly every facit of their lives being dictated by money hungry beasts in washington. If you’d like to keep wool over your eyes, do that, just quit making your own mental shortcomings a part of our day.”
–Now where ever have I ever said anybody who believes differently than me are dumb rednecks? I have never! As a matter of fact, I doubt you’ll find any news publisher in Boundary County who published a more diverse range of points of view than I did. In all honesty, I very much appreciate different perspectives, different world views.
No sir, I think the problem boils down to a deficit in reading comprehension. I consider those who believe in blatant lies and hold them to be opinions stupid, not those who hold opinions that happen to be wrong. Big difference. And it appears to me that MAGA membership requires the former, which makes members willfully ignorant, which is even worse.
Since when has your life been dictated? Come on, be honest … when? If you’ve served in the military or been to prison, you’ve had a small taste of what it’s like to have your actions dictated. I think you might be confusing “dictate,” being told what to do by one in authority, with “rule of law,” a set of principles that ensure that everyone is subject to the law, including the government. That was a thing in the United States until July 1, 2024, when the U.S. Supreme Court, capitulating to a felon running for president, declared the president exempt from criminal prosecution, hence above the law.
In so doing, they undermined the foundational precept of our constitution, that all men are created equal, as well as the 14th amendment, that all U.S. citizens have equal protection under the law. With president Trump and the merry band of misfits he calls an administration in office not quite a month, we’re just beginning to see the consequences as our government, formed by an enlightened constitution, is being razed without care or concern by true money hungry beasts with no concern for the public good.
And aren’t you folk big on liberty and the constitution? Then why oh why would you ask a writer to quit writing so as not to intrude on your day? Here’s an idea you might not have considered … how about instead you just don’t log in? Rating: Willfully stupid.
“Go home, mike. You’re drunk.”
–I’ll be sober in the morning. You’ll still be stupid unless you begin applying yourself. Rating: Hic!
“Nothing better to do than stir sh*t up? Aren’t you supposed to be a journalist? Luckily for people like yourself, you get to reap the benefits of an intelligent administration despite your venom.”
–That is so obviously, blatantly stupid it buggers the senses of the sane. What have you seen since January 20, 2025, pray tell, that gives you even the idea of intelligence in this artificial administration? Go ahead, and feel free to use the daily propaganda you can read daily on — the same fake news you’ll hear on Fox, OAN and other right wing media and from the pulpits of too many Evangelical Christian churches whose members loins are made moist with the thought that St. Donald the Trump is going to elevate their idea of God and make America a divided nation under one God nobody can agree on.
What we have here isn’t a government, it’s the greatest con job ever perpetrated on such a vast scale. Preying on the gullibility of angry people with little to be angry about. Fake issues to rally against, fake enemies to shake pitchforks at, fake crises to foster a false air of anger and desperation, all straight from the muddled mind of Donald Trump.
You can’t pick a bowl of skunk cabbage and hope to make a fine salad. You can’t expect antigovernment radicals with no experience to properly manage or even supervise the cuts and shutdowns wanted. They’re throwing dedicated federal workers, including local Forest Service personnel, under the bus and the payments funded by Congress and awarded have been shut off, no notice, no warning. A number of Boundary County farmers already committed based on federal guarantees are now trying to figure out what they can do.
Yeah, real intelligent administration, there, Bubba. Helping working people? Quick … what’s the price of eggs? Average is $4.93 — S2.21 a dozen last January, according to the Federal Reserve Bank. Wasn’t he supposed fix that day one? How about America’s stature on the world stage? Our longtime allies are looking at us like we’ve gone plumb crazy over night and our nation’s enemies are laughing right in the face of their adorable new narcissistic lap dog, giving them unthinkable concessions before trotting off to crap on the front porches of our neighbors.
And they’ve only been at it for a month. Things will be getting more interesting by the day as Trump and his gang of wizards continue to fling pooh and scream into the night. But they’s not flinging their rancid crap in the garden, where it might do some good, or at leaders and nations who eye ours with bad intent. The people they’re pelting is us, and a faction of our population is just begging to be let loose to fling pooh at us as well, people who stupidly think what’s going on now in Washington, D.C. can in any way be associated with intelligence.