Heaven help us if too many like you
Wow, what a rambling opinion of a man I for one of many consider a savior of our country from the communist left, who has let terrorists, drug dealers and sex traffickers into our country and is paying, housing and letting them take over our country. (“Sorry Donald, JD, now is not the time for media to back off,” Mike Weland, September 21, 2024)
President Trump had fought to put up a wall and keep illegal aliens out.
You ramble back and forth trying to decide if you should consider changing your opinion of this man who has been fighting for our country, this amazes me, that you are still buying into the left’s hatred of a man who cares so much for our country to hang into the battle after all the hatred and unjustified attempts to convict him and then to still keep fighting after two assassination attempts astounds me, that you could be so naïve.
Our secret service and FBI should be held criminally responsible for their obvious neglect of Trump. I praise the GOP members who had the guts to stand up and demand the protection for Trump, that he deserved, and they even said for Kamala. If you haven’t changed your opinion of Trump, I’m assuming your going to vote for Kamala. You are seriously deranged. Or are you so insane you just aren’t going to vote?
Heaven help us if there are too many people in our country like you. This is my opinion from a MAGA Republican who lives in a town that displays a “Love Trump” billboard as you drive into our beautiful town. Fight, fight, fight.
Marsha Travis
Bonners Ferry
A lie’s a lie no matter who tells it
Forgive me for seeming to ramble, Marsha, I sometimes forget that there are those who don’t understand the concept of being facetious, of treating serious issues with deliberately inappropriate humor, and that there are more people than I ever imagined in this land of free educational opportunity for whom reading comprehension is a challenge.
And while I do respect and appreciate your and other’s right to your own opinion, it pains me that so many are so scared that they choose to believe the many egregious but easily debunked lies of a conman and grifter once made president, Donald John Trump, and who consider the propaganda disseminated by the Trump machine as “news.” Your entire thesis here is based on lies, the most laughable being that Corporal Bonespur has been fighting for anything other than his own ego.
By my warnings about Trump, I’m not promoting or proposing a political philosophy or endorsing any party or candidate, merely letting folks like you who have fallen for Trump’s lies know that you’re being lied to and manipulated even though it’s well-known that the last to see and accept they’re victims of a con man are those still waiting for the con artist to live up to his promises.
You see, Marsha, you are always entitled to your own opinions, but never to your own facts, even when you get those “alternate facts” from the man who holds the nation’s highest office of public trust.
Anyone who tells you different is lying.
Mike Weland