“Trump and Elon are purging the filth that’s infested all levels of our government for decades,” a woman wrote with sincerity. “Removing the grifters.”
How anyone can draw that conclusion watching the calamity from the oval office underway since January 20 defies my ken. That there are millions more who agree with her nigh overwhelms all critical systems. Our world is in a Trump-induced flux, and few people have any idea how fast every assumption they held to foster the illusion that they are safe and secure could be upended in a second on the whim of a madman in the oval office.
You don’t have to look back all that far to see what could easily be reprised here, to see the eerily similar timelines, the eerily similar devotion to a weak and petty man who somehow tapped into the psyche of the fearful of a nation and wrought them into a cult.
It took Hitler, who Trump admires and emulates, a little under10 years, an attempt to overthrow his government and gaining control of a political party to attain the power to tear down state institutions, to force his will on other nations. Hitler had his own private domestic army, the Brown Shirts, to keep the locals “right-minded,” unleashing them throughout the realm over two nights in November, 1938, to show the nation Hitler’s seriousness regarding those he considered enemies of the state, two nights to show the “good” Germans the importance of toeing the line, the necessity of being good Nazis as well.
Nobody at the time thought it possible that an upstart Austrian Army corporal with aspirations of being an artist would ever come to wield such immense power, control such a devoted cult so blind to reality. There were, after all, laws one must follow, checks and balances to constrain the more base inclinations of those in positions of power.
It took a global war to stop Hitler, a war against fascism that our nation’s greatest generation sacrificed and bled and died in.
It’s taken Trump 10 years, an attempt to overthrow the government and gaining control of a political party to attain the power to tear down state institutions, to force his will on other nations.
How long before he unleashes his private domestic Army, led by the Proud Boys and Oathkeepers, the January 6 insurrectionists he just released from prison, now standing back and standing by for their master’s call, and how many in cities, towns and country sides across the nation stand ready to fall in with them for Trump’s own version of Kristallnacht?
“You should start writing nice things about our president. They’re coming, I know where you live and I’ll point you out!”
They are here, and in greater numbers than most imagine.
It’s easy for a despot to tear things down, as Trump and sycophants are now showing, and for them to think, basking in the admiration of the misguided in their cult, that they have a mandate from the people they will rule.
There is a propensity among those who can’t believe what they’re seeing to believe that the brakes, to be applied any time now, will hold, that logic and good sense will prevail, that truth will be revealed and that truth will set us free … until we hear the sound of shattering glass and realize the gleeful mob, vindicating its master, has just shattered our every illusion, reduced our every aspiration down to merely surviving.
Both misperceptions favor the tyrant and the storm intensifies into a maelstrom.
Which nation’s greatest generation will come to save us? Rather than wait to find out, far better now to forget tradition as regards presidential privilege — Trump is no ordinary president, he is a criminal. Take away from him the unprecedented Supreme Court chit that places him above the law just as he illegally rips away the rights of thousands of immigrants here legally that he is threatening to deport.
Let him be sentenced for 34 felonies he committed to gain unfair advantage in the election of 2016, let him face juries of his peers on the indictments brought down for inciting an insurrection and for stealing sensitive documents that belong in the national archives instead of a gilded latrine in a Florida golf resort.
Let the verdicts be read and the sentences be carried out. Let the poor little rich kid, ever persecuted, ever the victim, have his first taste of the bitter medicine most of us were liberally dosed with in childhood and have tried our best to avoid ever since, the medicine of acknowledging our mistakes and being held accountable for what we do.
It’s far past time to give Trump what he’s been missing his whole life.
I shared with the public on my FaceBook feed, Mike. How long, do you think, ’til “they” come fer me?
I’m still waiting!