I go on record to thank Joe Biden for his service to our nation and for all he accomplished in spite of being saddled with such a graceless and vituperative predecessor as Donald John Trump. who lied and wrongfully tarred the man he lost to incessantly since suffering that ignoble defeat, blaming Biden largely for his own weaknesses, the lies, libel and hyperbole amplified by a blindly believing cult called MAGA.
And Trump remains vindictive, saying Biden will go down as the worst president in history, though his vice president, Kamala Harris, will be easier to beat.
Despite a 20-year-old kid creasing his ear with an assassin’s bullet and his subsequent saved-by-Jesus attempt to quell his most base instincts, Donald Trump remains Donald Trump … as delusional as the red-capped millions who follow him.
I predict Biden will be judged favorably by historians. And while it typically takes a decade or more for historians to rank a president, Trump is already consistently seen as occupying at the bottom of the barrel.
It probably doesn’t surprise many, but I didn’t watch the Republican National Convention. What many will sneer and jeer at is my contention that nobody else did, either … including those in attendance in Milwaukee and those millions glued to their TV sets for the full four-day duration. No one saw a 2024 Republican National Convention.
There wasn’t one.
What people saw instead was another episode of “The Donald Trump Power Hour.” And he had it in the bag. All he had to do was sit down, shut up. Smile and wave.
Needless to say, he didn’t. Being Trump, he couldn’t. His attempt to foster unity, to present himself as a presidential candidate for all Americans went down in flames in what passed as a nomination acceptance speech … one that started out stilted, veered off course and meandered interminably before bumping into a wall … a far worse performance than Biden’s debate debacle.
It wasn’t a GOP convention, it was an extravagant and glitzy spectacle that combined all the worst aspects of a pro wrestling mega mania match, Christian Nationalist tent revival, Klan rally and loyalty bath so essential to a petty ego swollen as grotesquely as Trump’s. It was a farce without substance or redeeming quality except to the ear-patch wearing give in to ever deeper despair, thinking it closer to being all over but for Trump’s retribution. I fear for what our nation could become.
I am grateful to Joe Biden for stepping up in 2020 and defeating the incompetent usurper and I wish him well. I sincerely hope the Democrat Party finds a champion able to rally the clear-eyed majority of Americans who recognize Trump for what he is to go to the polls to ensure he’s never near any position of political power again.
Sure, Trump and MAGA will pout and stomp their feet and whine that the election was stolen, and might even throw a conniption fit tantrum. But that’s far better than coronating a petty tyrant made above the law.