Thanks to my opinion pieces of late, I have been identified by local “true conservatives,” many of whom were friends before 2016, as a born again left wing socialist liberal commie pedophile. In light of the idiocy touted by the extremist conservatives, I will embrace being a liberal, but I will not abide being slandered by people professing righteousness yet holding no truth within them. Provide proof, kids, or shut the hell up.
I had been a Republican since 1979, when I was a private in the 82nd Airborne and Ronald Reagan gave us shells with which to train and restored our military pride after the abysmal years of Jimmy Carter.
Yet I was aghast that such a loser as Donald J. got the nod as my party’s presidential candidate and that Hilary Clinton was the best the Democrats could do on the 2016 ballot. I could give my vote to neither.
Hilary wasn’t elected and Donald Trump, self-serving con man that he is, lived up to every one of my worst fears.
Believe what you will, it’s not refuted that Trump betrayed his oath of office and betrayed his country. All the silliness, scandals and stupidity of his presidency came into clear and undeniable focus on January 6, 2021, when he committed what clearly appears, based on evidence and sworn testimony now made public, as treason.
And still gullible fools quibble.
Instead of standing up to this traitor, the Republican Party bought his lies wholesale and march in goose step behind him even now, straight toward the very fascism our greatest generation fought, bled and died to resist.
When Biden beat him … soundly, I might add, I had hoped Trump would crawl off and shut up. He didn’t.
He has instead inflamed his loyal legions, compounded his lies and exacerbated his assault on the very principals that define this last best hope of Earth.
I don’t dislike the Donald any more than I disliked Jim Jones, Adolph Hitler, Josef Stalin, Ted Bundy, David Koresh, Jeffrey Dahmer or Joseph Duncan. I just don’t buy their lies and I believe that justice ought apply equally to all, no matter how good they are at convincing idiots and fools of their sanctimonious righteousness.
Bet a dollar to a donut that history will, within 10 years, judge Donald among the worst miscreants of our time. From this day to that will surely a the most unnecessarily difficult time.