Instead of fighting, let’s keep the puddle wet
I’m not the sharpest cookie in the knife drawer, but I simply do not understand the brouhaha over abortion “rights.” It just doesn’t seem to me a legitimate topic of national discourse requiring political intervention any more than a man’s right to get a vasectomy or a death bed patient’s right to choose between advanced medical treatment or a dignified death in the comfort of familiar surroundings.
Abortion is no more a matter for politicians than are the decisions reached between physician and patient regarding what treatment will best work to remedy this congestion and cough due to cold or this brain tumor that medical science estimates has a one in 10 chance of cure.
Say what you will, but in a just society, there should never have been a need for Roe v. Wade, no need for five decades of dissension. No need for the crisis today wherein one side of the political and/or religious divide screams vindication and Praise God righteousness! We are pro-life!
Sorry, kids. You are sanctimonious hypocrites trying to impose your morals on me. If I didn’t know better, I’d think you were trying to groom me!
In biology, life is not sacred, blessed or sacrosanct. A female toad lays thousands of eggs in a drying mud puddle. Three hundred hatch into tadpoles, some in the puddle but most wriggling out in the mud. As the puddle shrinks, the tadpoles on the fringe dry out, die and desiccate while the shrinking puddle of muddy moisture turns black with writhing tadpoles eating one another in a horrid frenzy. Until when but a single fat tadpole exists in a wet spot.
When the rain doesn’t come, even the strongest dies, no matter the species.